Google Similar images search engine

Similat images oF Taj Mahal

Similar Google Images is a new experimental service, currently in Google Labs, which is a rival to existing ones, such as Like or TinyEye. It lets you find images that are similar with an image you select.

The difference from the Google search engine images in which we have under each result we have an option that allows us to see images similar to it. In this way, when we obtain images similar to the selected image, we see that overall the images are quite similar, serving almost the same patterns, and even in some of these images will allow us to return to find similar images. Come on, the results, at least seen above, are quite reliable.

Surely after little polishing, Google Similar Images become part of Google Image Search, but this will certainly improve some aspects of flexibility. For example, it would be interesting to find more pictures of the same model of laptop or a car, not just find those images that are equal and the same angle from which we selected.

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    more time require????

  2. Anonymous Says:

    But this is next innovation for Google for Users

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Yaa ,it is in LABS

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I think it is on LABS??

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Name tab neccary for image ??

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